Saturday 5 October 2013

Welcome to the Progress Notes!

Hi there fellow bloggers, nurses and everyone in between, and welcome to my blog!

My name is Katrina Piekarski (or call me Katie), and I am a second year nursing student at the wonderful Western University, who is excited to chronicle my nursing progress and share the serious, wonderful and touching moments that unite all nurses.

This blog is a combination of my passion for nursing narratives and part of an E-portfolio assignment for my Health Informatics class. You might be asking yourself, "what is Health Informatics?"

Well--in as short as possible-- this cutting edge class focuses on how technology is changing the face of health care. As technology and the internet grow, and become practically a physiological necessity, health care professionals need to understand how to incorporate these resources to create real change for everyone's well-being.

While society has quickly adopted to the quick-changing advancements of everyday technology, the health care systems have taken their time to adapt. Paper records are slowly becoming things of the past, diagnostic tests can be shared through e-mail, billing is online, and people can self-diagnose simply with a Google search. Although these changes are exciting and can mean reduced wait times, faster diagnoses, and less costs, there are still some issues to be addressed.

Safety and privacy have always been matters of concern when it comes to the internet, but have greater repercussions when our health information and history is concerned.

This Health Informatics class addresses these issues, and how they have an impact for both patients and nurses.

Each week, I'll discuss a topic from class. Like any good progress note: I will share the subject and objective data, holistically assess the topic, and plan how to incorporate this in my nursing future.

Stay tuned, and enjoy.

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